You can add ticket links after the event has been added. We only list confirmed live music performances.
Find out who is playing live at MONTPELLIER BLUES FESTIVAL - PASS DIMANCHE - JOE LOUIS WALKER 2023 in Montpellier in Jul 2023.
If the city is missing, let us know, and we'll add it to our database. Thursday 27 July 2023 Sunday 30 July 2023 Y Not Festival 2023 Line-up: Caity Baser, Phoebe Green, Courting, Panic Shack, deadletter, Lobjectif, Tom A Smith, Lizzie Esau, and Mollie Coddled Derbyshire, Derby, UK Interested Don’t miss out. MONTPELLIER BLUES FESTIVAL - PASS DIMANCHE - JOE LOUIS WALKER 2023 line-up, tickets and dates. If the venue is missing from our database, you can add it here. Just fill out the details requested on the event creation form, select whether you want to announce the event straight away, or whether you want to schedule a listing for a later date, and then you’re good to go! From here you can add new events, edit existing ones and add ticket links. Once your artist is showing in your Tourbox account you’ll need to select ‘ events ’ next to the artist you want to add tour dates for. If you’ve not done this yet, read this article to find out how. The first step is to make sure you’ve got your artist added to your Tourbox account. Check out how to add an event if you're a promoter or event organiser here, a venue representative here, or a fan here. Once you have claimed your artist - click ‘ Settings’ to customise your profile.Heads up: this article is for Tourbox users. If your artist isn’t on Songkick, then press ‘ add as a new artist on Songkick’ - type your artist name and press ‘ Create Artist’
Search for your artist and select “ Start Managing” If you log-in and end up in the normal / fan Songkick log-in, go back to Songkick Tourbox, select “ claim your artist profile” and it will allow you to follow the next steps. If not, go to “ claim your artist profile” and set-up a new account If you already have a Songkick account, log-in. In order to claim and set-up your artist account follw these steps: You will also be able to tell how many fans are tracking you, and optimise your profile with upto date photos etc. Gaining control of your Songkick account is a really important way to get your live appearances show up on Spotify - as well as connecting to other websites and social media.